Webinar #StOpE : Taking action against everyday sexism at work in an international setting

Mercredi 11 octobre 2023 - 14:00 à 16:00
Bandeau qui présente la SERI , semaine de l'entreprise responsable et inclusive qui aura lieue du 9 au 13 octobre

This event is part of the SERI (Semaine de l'entreprise responsable et inclusive), a weeklong event organized by the AFMD and the MEDEF giving access to more than a hundred webinars, conferences and workshops about Diversity, Inclusion and CSR all around France.

In France, in 2023, eight women out of ten think that sexist behaviours and decisions are recurrent in the workplace (barometer Initative StOpE, 2023). This statement shows that in France everyday sexism at work is still a harsh reality faced by most women. 

During this webinar, organised by the AFMD, we will focus on the international dimension of everyday sexism and discuss its manifestations in different cultural contexts. Our four speakers will also give us some precious practices that they have put in place in their own companies in order to tackle this issue on an international level.