#StOpE Barometer

Every two years, #StOpE initiative invites employees of signatory organisations to take part in a unique survey, in order to provide the state of play on ordinary sexism at work in France

The eighth #StOpE act of commitment is to "Measure and set up indicators to adapt the organisation's policy to combat ordinary sexism".

As such, the signatory organisations - accompanied by Brigitte Grésy, expert on issues of sexism in the workplace and former president of the High Council for Equality between Women and Men, and Sandrine Ghiotto, Head of the Internal Studies Department at EDF - have created a far-reaching barometer intended to assess the state of ordinary sexism in the workplace, to measure the impact generated by it and its perception by employees .

Objective of the #StOpE barometer

The purpose of the barometer is to collect the perception of employees and agents on the prevalence of ordinary sexism at work and its most widespread forms, on the impact of these actions on the individual and their career, and finally , on the actions to be taken to prevent so-called ordinary sexism.

It is renewed every two years and complements the other surveys conducted in France on sexism.

2023 edition

The second edition of the #StOpE barometer was conducted in 2023. With the participation of 15 signatory organisations, it gathered responses from 88,560 employees and agents, and was conducted in parallel with a national survey with a representative sample of 1,000 employees.

Discover the 2023 results


2021 edition

The first edition of the #StOpE survey was conducted in 2021. With the participation of 17 signatory organisations, it gathered responses from nearly 64,000 employees and agents, and was conducted in parallel with a national survey from a representative sample of 1,000 employees.

Discover the 2021 results*

For more information, please contact: stopeausexisme@afmd.fr


*Results are published in French.